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Bonjour à tous, Je me retrouve avec la pub Auctiva qui s'ajoute automatiquement à mon code HTML. Comment arrêter cela. Merci Roselyne

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To remove the scrolling gallery from your active listings you must delete the scrolling gallery HTML from the HTML description using eBay's "Revise Item" form.
  1. Find the listing you would like to edit on eBay
  2. Click on the link to Revise the item
  3. Put your mouse in the HTML description and click so your cursor is in the box
  4. Hit Ctrl+F and when the find box comes up type ASW. Find the first instance
  5. Use your mouse to highlight all the HTML after that first ASW until you see the second ASW - take care not to delete anything before or after those ASW tags
  6. Delete all that code between the two ASW tags
  7. Save with eBay