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Argent paypal toujours pas reçu (Part 2 )


je viens de recevoir le mail suivant de la part du service paypal :

Dear ....,

You've still got funds!

On Apr. 29, 2008 you received 66,00 EUR from .... After
you sign up for a PayPal account you will not only have access to the
money sent by Mathieu Maerle, you can also use your account in the
following ways:

- Send Money to anyone with an email address
- Pay for over 3 000 000 eBay auctions
- Shop at more than 30 000 websites that accept PayPal

Or you can just withdraw your money directly to your bank account.

With all the ways for you to use PayPal, claim your funds today by
clicking on the link below:


Note: If you do not claim your money by May 29, 2008, this payment will
be automatically cancelled and the money will be returned to ...'s account. In addition, ... has the
option to cancel this payment at any time until you have claimed.

Thank you for using PayPal!
The PayPal Team

merci d'avance

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Réponses (1)

Réponses (1)

J'ai trouvé la raison de ce mail :

email ne correspondant pas à celui de la transaction donc il faut ajouter l'adresse concernée par le paiement et la confirmée et la mettre par défaut ensuite. Puis accepter le paiement
