Shipment on Hold by DHL
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le 05-06-2016 11:05
Dear ebay pitney Bowes,
I had bought the item from USA , the itme number is: 172197680383
I had a package shipped via DHL tracking number: 5821581625 . It made it through Cincinnati clearance processing already, and now it is at my local city. But it arrived in my local city June 01, and it has just said "Shipment on hold" ever since it arrived.
I had already paid the import tax, why DHL still keep my item and mark "Shipment on Hold" ?
Thank very much
HERE ARE THE TRACKING*****************
In transit - Exception-Storage in Transit
Jun-03-16, 08:42 AM, Toulouse, XX 410252501
In transit - Exception-Storage in Transit
Jun-02-16, 08:46 AM, Toulouse, XX 410252501
Awaiting Pickup
Jun-01-16, 10:24 AM, Toulouse, XX 410252501
In Transit with Destination Carrier
Jun-01-16, 08:26 AM, Toulouse, XX 410252501
Customs Cleared
Jun-01-16, 08:22 AM, Toulouse, XX
In Transit with Destination Carrier
Jun-01-16, 07:23 AM, Toulouse, XX
In Transit with Destination Carrier
Jun-01-16, 06:23 AM, Lyon, XX 410252501
In Transit with Destination Carrier
Jun-01-16, 04:26 AM, Brussels, XX 410252501
In Transit with Destination Carrier
Jun-01-16, 01:18 AM, Cincinnati, OH 410252501
In Transit with Destination Carrier
May-31-16, 20:24 PM, Brussels, XX 410252501
In Transit with Destination Carrier
May-31-16, 19:20 PM, Brussels, XX 410252501
In Transit with Destination Carrier
May-31-16, 04:51 AM, Cincinnati, OH 410252501
In Transit with Destination Carrier
May-31-16, 03:58 AM, Cincinnati, OH 410252501
In Transit with Destination Carrier
May-31-16, 01:09 AM, Cincinnati, OH 410252501
In Transit with Destination Carrier
May-31-16, 00:50 AM, Cincinnati, OH
In Transit with Destination Carrier
May-30-16, 13:12 PM, Erlanger, KY 410252501
In Transit with Destination Carrier
May-30-16, 13:11 PM, Erlanger, KY
In Transit with Destination Carrier
May-30-16, 11:57 AM, Erlanger, KY 410252501
Shipped from the Global Shipping Center to International Destination
May-28-16, 16:24 PM, Erlanger, Kentucky 41025-2501
In Transit with Destination Carrier
May-28-16, 16:06 PM, Erlanger, KY 410252501
Customs Documentation and Labeling
May-27-16, 17:44 PM, Erlanger, Kentucky 41025-2501
Processing at Global Shipping Center
May-26-16, 20:42 PM, Erlanger, Kentucky 41025-2501
Shipment on Hold by DHL
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le 05-06-2016 12:21
"Dear ebay pitney Bowes"
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"why DHL still keep my item and mark "Shipment on Hold" ?"
Contacter DHL
Shipment on Hold by DHL
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le 05-06-2016 12:37
Hello moto.k1600, welcome to the eBay community.
In order to receive the best assistance possible from the community members, I invite you to translate your post into french or ask your question in your country's website.
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Shipment on Hold by DHL
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le 05-06-2016 13:44
I see that you are probably a foreigner who lives in France, and so you have located your ebay account in France.
If I am not wrong Pitney Bowes is an intermediary used in Ebay Global Shipping Program
What is unclear with your message is whether your seller has used or not Pitney Bowes through EGSP, OR if your seller has simply used DHL (no EGSP) who can do finally the same job as Pitney Bowes, but in this case there should be no link with Pitney Bowes.
As Pitney Bowes is a financial and logistical intermiediary, not a carrier per se, eventually we could understand that your seller has used EGSP, and further Pitney Bowes could have commisioned the delivery to DHL France.... but I am very very skeptical, they don't don't used to work with such carriers, but in this case understand that eventual taxes are processed Pitney Bowes not DHL
Unfortunately EGSP doesn't apply to French sellers at this moment, for this reason the french community has very few informations.
You should get in touch with you seller, he is the only one who can ask for more information, but from my experience even for the seller, Pitney Bowes is the real nightmare, it is nearly impossible to get informations.
But be aware that there are at moment a lot of distrurbances in France due to multple strikes, so delivery may be delayed. Custom services could delay the release of goods from the "transit area", you should be patient.
Note that DHL France never call the final customer by phone, they can drop a delivery notice in you letter box if you are not at home or get in touch with you by email. If you have a valid tracking number, you can go to the DHL France website to define a new delivery date if necessary.