How to deal with a scam (seller side)
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le 22-11-2013 14:12
I reaaly like to have an idea if someone has a possible solution idea. I sold a couple of months ago an item on ebay and got paid via paypal. The seller upon reception of the item issue a complaint for item not a described. By his own photos and the ones I have myself it was evident that he exchanges some difficult to find parts and wanted to get his mony back on top of it. Paypal of course does nothing on these ocasion, just simply pays the buyer for obvious reasons...So I have ended it up to have to rembourse for an item that it was send back to me but nothing is original any more so I had to scrap it; We are talking about items that is around 300euros price..
Is there any ideas since ebay/paypal they donnot care except their usual blabla "call the local police departement etc etc"
Thank you for your input
How to deal with a scam (seller side)
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le 22-11-2013 14:21
Hello vacs2000,
This platform is dedicated to french people, so I invite you to translate your post into french or ask your question in your country's website.
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