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MAMY "le retour 19ème " 3/4

ben alors, Ma Poule, tu nous refais une crise ?

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MAMY "le retour 19ème " 3/4

All dead ... And gone ...

good night ....
Arf, i did it again ...
Message 81 sur 83
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MAMY "le retour 19ème " 3/4

"So Young"

Because we're young, because we're gone
we'll take the tide's electric mind, oh yeah? oh yeah

we're so young and so gone, let's chase the dragon, oh

Because we're younG, because we're gone
We'll scare the skies with tiger's eyes, oh yeah? oh yeah

we're so young and so gone, let's chase the dragon, oh
let's chase the dragon...

...from our home high in the city where the skyline
stained the snow, I fell for a servant who kept me on the boil

We're so young and so gone, let's chase the dragon from our home!
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MAMY "le retour 19ème " 3/4