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Nouvelle grille tarifaire possible les réductions annoncées sur EBay?

Non applicable

pas reçu de news d'Ebay sur les nouveaux modèles de facturation des frais proposés...mais comme beaucoup de PS.

par ailleurs, qu'en est-il des réductions de frais PS sur volume annoncés en début d'année (environ 15 %)?

PowerSeller fee discounts

PowerSellers will start getting Final Value Fees discounts on April 2008, based on their detailed seller ratings (DSRs) for the last 30 days. Discounts will apply to listings started on or after February 20, 2008.

PowerSeller fee discounts are our way of recognizing and rewarding sellers who consistently provide excellent customer service on eBay. Because detailed seller ratings (DSRs) enable buyers to rate specific aspects of their transactions - item as described, communication, shipping time, and shipping and handling charges - these ratings provide the best measure of customer satisfaction and the best way for eBay to identify good sellers. Your DSRs also give you a complete picture of how customers rate your performance and what you can do to improve. Learn more about detailed seller ratings (DSRs) and best practices for maintaining high DSRs.

PowerSellers can now access the PowerSeller fee discount section of the Seller Dashboard where they can check if they qualify for the FVF discounts based on the last 30 days of DSRs.

merci pour la réponse de Patrice
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