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Remboursement malveillant de l'acheteur et traitement inéquitable par eBay - Aide urgente requise !



Hello everyone, I am a seller on eBay, and I am currently dealing with a highly frustrating and unfair situation. I’m seeking advice from experienced sellers or intervention from eBay’s customer service team. Below is the full account of the issue:



1. Item Sold and Buyer Claims Item Not as Described:

I sold a handbag on the eBay France platform for nearly 450 EUR. Before shipping, I thoroughly inspected and photographed the item to ensure there were no issues. After receiving the item, the buyer contacted me two to three days later, claiming there was a very minor flaw and requested a refund. In an effort to adhere to platform policies and protect the buyer, I agreed to the refund request, but as per eBay’s policy, the buyer was required to return the item before receiving a refund.

2. Buyer Refuses to Return the Item and Malicious Refund:

After the refund was issued, the buyer not only refused to return the item, but also completely ignored my attempts to contact her. She even blocked me, refusing to communicate via eBay messages or through other platforms such as WhatsApp. She explicitly stated she would not return the item. Given the value of the handbag (nearly 450 EUR), this behavior is clearly malicious.

3. eBay’s Unfair Handling:

I contacted eBay customer service multiple times, providing a detailed account of the buyer’s abuse of the refund policy and refusal to return the item. However, eBay customer service responded with surface-level replies, and they marked the case as “closed” without taking any meaningful action. They informed me that I should handle the return with the buyer directly, but since the buyer blocked me, communication is impossible. To make matters worse, I have incurred additional costs, including over 70 EUR in advertising fees for this transaction. My total financial loss amounts to hundreds of euros.


My Requests:

• I request that eBay thoroughly reexamine this case and enforce the return of my item by the buyer.

• If the buyer continues to refuse the return, I demand that eBay compensate for my losses, including the cost of the item and the advertising fees.

• I urge eBay to ensure the protection of sellers’ rights in such cases and prevent buyers from maliciously exploiting the refund policy to the detriment of sellers.


Current Issues:

1. Case Closed by eBay: The case has been marked as “closed,” preventing me from initiating any further appeals through the platform.

2. Customer Service Avoidance: Despite my multiple attempts to reach out, eBay’s customer service has been dismissive and has failed to take meaningful action.

3. Buyer’s Malicious Intent: The buyer has blocked me and refuses to return the item, which indicates clear malicious intent.


My Questions:

1. How can I reopen this case on eBay or escalate it to a higher level of customer support?

2. Have other sellers faced similar situations? How did you successfully retrieve your item or get compensation for your losses?

3. If eBay continues to neglect this matter, what other avenues (such as consumer protection agencies) can I pursue to protect my legal rights?


Additional Information:

• The transaction took place on eBay France, and the buyer is located in the United States. I am unable to provide a return address in the U.S.

• I have screenshots of the buyer’s explicit refusal to return the item, which eBay’s customer service is already aware of.


Thank you all for taking the time to read my post. I am feeling quite exhausted and hopeless at this point and would greatly appreciate any guidance from fellow sellers or further intervention from eBay’s team. If anyone has any advice or has gone through a similar experience, please do share your solutions!

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Remboursement malveillant de l'acheteur et traitement inéquitable par eBay - Aide urgente requise !

Bonjour @fswdfrence 


pourquoi postez-vous en anglais ?


Vu le problème rencontré, il fut persiser avec le service client...

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Remboursement malveillant de l'acheteur et traitement inéquitable par eBay - Aide urgente requise !

Hi I'm a British and I moved to France this year so I just want to clean up my wardrobe

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Remboursement malveillant de l'acheteur et traitement inéquitable par eBay - Aide urgente requise !



je ne vois pas vraiment le rapport avec ma question...


Vous êtes sur le forum donc la moindre des politesses est de vous exprimer en français...


Cela vous fera un bon entrainement.


Et si besoin :



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Remboursement malveillant de l'acheteur et traitement inéquitable par eBay - Aide urgente requise !


• The transaction took place on eBay France, and the buyer is located in the United States. I am unable to provide a return address in the U.S.

il faut savoir que lorsque vous vendez dans un autre pays le litige est généré sur l'ebay dont dépends l'acheteur , dans sa langue et par des gens enclins a être acquis a sa cause et en fonction des règles de l'ebay en question

en gros oubliez votre sac

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Remboursement malveillant de l'acheteur et traitement inéquitable par eBay - Aide urgente requise !

Bonjour @fswdfrence 


Exposez votre problème à la FEVAD dont vous trouverez les coordonnées sur le net....

Il se peut que vous ayez une écoute et une aide.




un petit sourire..??
Message 6 sur 7
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Remboursement malveillant de l'acheteur et traitement inéquitable par eBay - Aide urgente requise !

if I get it , you made a refund without having received back the item . that's capitulation .


I would advise you to try the british forum .

if what frelonverre says is indeed the case , the dispute is studied in the buyer's country . that might have been to your advantage , as you speak the language . but you can't use the advantage because you can only talk to ebay france ! that should lead you to an urgent review , perhaps avoiding selling abroad ?



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