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EMS Sleeping Facial Beauty-Device - 50% OFF

Do not buy anything from this seller!!!!! This is such a deceiver as the world has never seen before! He sent me a defective device and when I informed him about it and asked him to either send a new one or return the money, he fooled me for almost two months saying that he had sent a new device and that I should receive it soon. When the goods did not arrive at the appointed time, the seller wrote to me that he had sent another device and again asked me to wait. He wrote as convincingly as possible and at the same time asked each time not to complain about him to eBay.
When I received nothing and demanded a refund, the seller again asked me to wait. I still haven't received anything: no new device, no money. He was deliberately stalling for time so that all the deadlines would pass and my purchase would disappear from my purchase history. Once again: do not buy anything from this seller!!! He'S A FRAUD!!!!!

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EMS Sleeping Facial Beauty-Device - 50% OFF

@pient91 ,

 Vous êtes inscrit sur EB France, écrivez en français, quoique, si c'est pour faire de la délation, n'écrivez pas du tout 👿

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EMS Sleeping Facial Beauty-Device - 50% OFF

Pourquoi es-tu grossier avec moi ?
Vous ai-je offensé personnellement ?🤔

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EMS Sleeping Facial Beauty-Device - 50% OFF

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