ebay nous prend pour des bourricot regardez !!
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le 20-07-2006 22:50
tiens : http://pages.ebay.com/storefronts/subscriptions.html je vosi en bas :
Store Inventory
eBay Stores subscribers enjoy exclusive access to the Store Inventory listing format to complement their Auction-style and Fixed-Price listings. At just $0.02 for any quantity of a single item for 30 days, Store Inventory is the most economical way to list for longer durations on eBay. Regardless of listing format (Auction-style, Fixed Price, or Store Inventory), all of your eBay listings appear in your Store. Store Inventory listings also appear after Auction-style and Fixed Price listings in eBay search and browse results in specific cases. Learn more about Store Inventory.
en clair ca dit les boutique ebay sont la facon la plus economique pour lister des objet sur une longue periode 0.02 cts de frais / objets ....
et ici : http://pages.ebay.com/storefronts/Managing.html#storeinventory
Low Cost - At just 2¢ for every 30 days per listing, regardless of quantity, Store Inventory allows you to offer a greater range of inventory at a very low cost
je vais aller sur les forum d ebay.com leur dire qu en france on la dans le c... :)
Store Inventory
eBay Stores subscribers enjoy exclusive access to the Store Inventory listing format to complement their Auction-style and Fixed-Price listings. At just $0.02 for any quantity of a single item for 30 days, Store Inventory is the most economical way to list for longer durations on eBay. Regardless of listing format (Auction-style, Fixed Price, or Store Inventory), all of your eBay listings appear in your Store. Store Inventory listings also appear after Auction-style and Fixed Price listings in eBay search and browse results in specific cases. Learn more about Store Inventory.
en clair ca dit les boutique ebay sont la facon la plus economique pour lister des objet sur une longue periode 0.02 cts de frais / objets ....
et ici : http://pages.ebay.com/storefronts/Managing.html#storeinventory
Low Cost - At just 2¢ for every 30 days per listing, regardless of quantity, Store Inventory allows you to offer a greater range of inventory at a very low cost
je vais aller sur les forum d ebay.com leur dire qu en france on la dans le c... :)

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ebay nous prend pour des bourricot regardez !!
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le 20-07-2006 22:54
on peut ouvrir un ebay.com de france ?
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ebay nous prend pour des bourricot regardez !!
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le 20-07-2006 22:56
http://forums.ebay.com/db2/thread.jspa?threadID=1000322158 je cause mal anglais mais bon :)

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ebay nous prend pour des bourricot regardez !!
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le 20-07-2006 22:57
sais po laura faut qu on se renseigne !! :)

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ebay nous prend pour des bourricot regardez !!
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le 20-07-2006 23:02
oups a priori eux aussi ont un probleme : http://forums.ebay.com/db2/thread.jspa?threadID=2000181764&tstart=0&mod=1153429270387 :)

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ebay nous prend pour des bourricot regardez !!
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le 20-07-2006 23:07
ah j ai trouver mais eux vont avoir moins mal que nous 🙂
These Store Inventory format insertion fees take effect Aug. 22, 2006:
Starting Price New Insertion Fee Current Fee
$0.01 – 24.99 5¢ 2¢
$25.00 – and higher 10¢ 2¢
Some Store Inventory format final value fees also will increase, effective Aug. 22, 2006:
Selling Price New Final Value Fee Current Fee
$0.01 – 25.00 10% 8%
$25.01 – 100.00 7% 5%
$100.01 – 1,000.00 5% (no change) 5%
$1,000.01 and higher 3% (no change) 3%
il n y a donc pas de groupement francais a faire vu que meme ebay.com leur met une dose 🙂 faut un "groupement vendeur sur ebay mondial "! :)
These Store Inventory format insertion fees take effect Aug. 22, 2006:
Starting Price New Insertion Fee Current Fee
$0.01 – 24.99 5¢ 2¢
$25.00 – and higher 10¢ 2¢
Some Store Inventory format final value fees also will increase, effective Aug. 22, 2006:
Selling Price New Final Value Fee Current Fee
$0.01 – 25.00 10% 8%
$25.01 – 100.00 7% 5%
$100.01 – 1,000.00 5% (no change) 5%
$1,000.01 and higher 3% (no change) 3%
il n y a donc pas de groupement francais a faire vu que meme ebay.com leur met une dose 🙂 faut un "groupement vendeur sur ebay mondial "! :)

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ebay nous prend pour des bourricot regardez !!
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le 20-07-2006 23:11
notez qu etant plus c.. en france ( ou plus riche ? ) nous paierons de 5 a 20 cts en france .... les americains pourtant les plus cher en tarif d habitude vont payer 5 ou 10 cts ....
quelqu un va voir si ebay.de change de prix aussi ? :)
quelqu un va voir si ebay.de change de prix aussi ? :)

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