Trying to sell a grand piano
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le 19-04-2016 17:51
My GF is trying to sell a grand piano but I'm stuck with the piano weight and what deliver method would work best. This is the first time I sell on ebay and the first time I sell a heavy piano and the first time I sell anything within France. Shipping small things wouldn't be a problem but this is a new issue that I have no clue how to solve.
This is what confuses me.
I don't know what to pick. What I would like is someone that can pick the piano up and the buyer pay for the delivery. Maybe I'm supposed to pay. I don't know. They delivery guys are taking care of the rest.
Trying to sell a grand piano

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Hi there. You're on so everybody here is talking French. If you want to sell your piano, you' ll do it on, or maybe are you living in France ?
If you're living in UK, sel lit on Dont think to sell it to French buyers because it ll be Very boring to carry it. (Maybe with a moving lorry with another piece of furniture, but it' le be in the same place, or very near) .
[Contenu retiré]
Regards, Brigitte
Trying to sell a grand piano
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le 19-04-2016 18:54
Nous vous recommandons de réduire le prix de départ ou de demander une augmentation de la limite de vente .
Don't know if ebay will take care of this or if I need to do something else. Appreciate any help you can give. Thanks.
Trying to sell a grand piano
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le 19-04-2016 21:19
I think the ad is live now. Problem solved