A clear return policy reassures buyers
If you offer a clear return policy on your items, chances are that you're more successful than other sellers on eBay. Our research shows that "difficulty in returning items" is the topmost shopping barrier cited by buyers. As a result, sellers who clearly spell out their return policies in their listings have an edge on the competition. Typically they sell a higher percentage of their listed items, compared to sellers who don't have clear return policies.
The reason is obvious — buyers are more comfortable shopping from sellers offering return policies. Also, our research shows that only a very small percentage of sold items are actually returned. A clear return policy can help increase your sell-through rates.
Sellers on eBay are required to specify a return policy when they sell items. This is true even if the seller's return policy is not to accept returns. If you do not specify a return policy, eBay will select a default return policy for you.
Note: Sellers are required to accept a return if eBay determines that the item was significantly different from what was described in the listing.
Return policy options to think about
If you don't already offer a clear return policy, consider the following options to drive your sales:
Refund Remedy (for example, returns accepted for full cash back or store credit)
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed (for example, returns accepted, no questions asked)
Time Limit (for example, returns accepted within 30 days after the item is delivered)
Free Return Shipping (for example, the seller pays for cost of shipping for returned items)
Mention the details upfront
Clearly explain the details of your return policy, so that buyers understand their options while returning items. Consider including details like the following to make your return policy clear:
Time limits: Specify how long buyers have to return the item after they receive it
Refund type: Specify whether you will offer money back, a merchandise credit, or exchange for an identical item.
Shipping and handling charges: Clearly state who would pay for return shipping and handling, you or the buyer.
You can also include additional return policy details, such as:
Restocking fee: Mention if you will charge a restocking fee, and if so, what it would be.
Item condition: Clearly state the condition of the returned item that would be acceptable to you, for example, "unopened box" or "opened box with all original materials".
How to specify your return policy
In the "Return Policy" section of the Sell Your Item form, take the following steps:
Click the Change return policy link.
Select whether you accept returns.
Select the time limit within which the buyer must return the item to you.
Select the type of refund you will give if the item is returned.
Select who will pay for return shipping.
Enter all other details about your return policy in the text box provided.
Click the Save button.